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Showing posts from December, 2021
  History of Nike The story of Nike begins with the story of the Blue Ribbon Sports that dates back to 1964. At the time, Phil Knights had just gone finished his study's at the University of Oregon and he also did a stint at Stanford for his MBA, leaving him with two crucial experiences that would set the trajectory of his future. At the University of Oregon, Phil ran for the his school's track and field team, witch gave him the advantage of goin into contact with their coach, Bill Bowerman. Aside from his intensely competitive ethos, Bowerman had displayed a fascination with optimizing his runners' shoes and progressing them, he would constantly be tinkering with the different models after learning from a local cobbler. Nike, Inc. Nike was formed on May 30, 1971. The company took its name from Nike , a Greek godess from roman wars and victory.   Nike markets makes its own products under its own brand as well as the Nike Golf, Nike Pro, Nike plus , Air Jordan ,...
  How cigars are made Cigars are a tobacco cigarette rolled in a tobacco leaf that is primarily meant for puffing, not inhaling. Cigars are enjoyed all over the world, specifically by the aficionado culture, as it is the best way to smoke tobacco. Cigars originate from Cuba, where the Columbus noticed the Mayan people smoking rudimentary cigars that were rolled in the leaves of palm trees. Today, Cigars are manufactured all over the world, the finest cigars continue to be hand-made while machines helped in mass production. They come in many different sizes and shapes. The darker the cigar blend is the stronger the tobacco will be. Cigars are made from material from the leaves of Nicotiana tabacum, witch means tobacco plant. Today, the tobacco plant grows in many parts of the world, but the best plants still grow in the hot climate of Cuba, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, etc.  To make the cigar, we need three types of tobacco leaves :a filler, a binder, and a wrapper. Some br...
History of iPhone   The first ever iPhone was made on June 29, 2007 and by the end of 2009 iPhones were being released everywhere all across the world.  The project ''Apple inc . '' was made for developing the iPhone, it began with a request in 2004 from no other then Steve Jobs. The crew was to Tony Fadell, the hardware engineer, Scott Forstall, the software engineer and design engineer Jonathan Ive. They all worked together on the highly confidential "Project Purple." After some trial and error, the company finally succeeding to produce the first ever iPhone, it was officially launched and made accessible to the public in 2007, and was advertised as the Macworld, during that same year, the first release of the iPhone was accessible in the US, UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, France, Spain, Italy and South Africa. On June 29, 2007, Apple released version 7.3 of iTunes to coincide with the release of iPhone. This release contained support fo...
  Why Gucci is so expensive The brand Gucci is mainly expensive due to its  recognition for rich heritage. Gucci  provides a good status of exclusivity and loyalty. The customer base will usually pay any price for high quality Gucci products, a higher consumer demand, an excellent quality of material and fabric, craftsmanship and durable products.  Gucci is one of the most popular and successful luxury brands in the world, Gucci is for both men and women.  Gucci provides some of the best contemporary and eclectic creations  in the world of the fashion industry. Gucci provides a vast amount of different products, such as : handbags, perfumes, clothes, sunglasses, etc. Some of the main reasons of why Gucci is so expensive are : Of course, rich heritage, quality of product and material used during processing the products. Gucci provides very high quality products, Gucci also offers product with a sustainability and durability warranty.  Renowned for its h...
  Roman wars There are many Roman wars in history, some being the biggest and deadliest wars with the most deaths, here is a list :  The Ceacers civil war : T h is war was known as the Great Roman Civil War. It was fought from 49 BC to 45 BC between the Julius Caesar and members of the Roman Senate. The Caesars had already become superiors warriors in the eyes of the Roman citizens after the Gallic war had ended, and they ended up introducing many reforms for the people of Rome.  Roman-latin war :  The Roman–Latin War started in t he seventh century. When the Latins decided to make an incursion on Roman lands, they were expecting support from the Roman king, who was Ancus Marcius. Instead, Ancus decided to declare war on the Latins and a large number of Latins were forced to take refuge in the city of Rome. Multiple  battles followed up until 588 BC during the reign of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus.  Macedonian war :  The Macedonian Wars were a s...
  Ferrari  The Ferrari is a  Italian sports car that was manufactured and based in Maranello.  Ferrari was Founded by Enzo Ferrar i  in 1939 from the Alfa Romeo  race division as an Auto Avio Costruzion i , Ferrari built there first car  in 1940 and produced its first Ferrari-badged car in 1947. Fiat SPA  acquired the 50% of Ferrari in 1969 and then proceeded to expand there stake to 90% in 1988, on  October 8th, 2014, Chrysler A utomobiles  announced its intentions to separate the Ferrari SPA from FCA. The announcement of the FCA owned the 90% of Ferrari. Later on in  October 2015, a restructuring established Ferrari NV version, as the new holding company of the Ferrari SPA group  and the sale by FCA made the 10% of the shares in IPO  and the concurrent listing of common share stake. T he New York stock exchange used  the remaining steps of the separation of the FCA's interest in Ferrari and the business was distribu...